Monday, July 18, 2011

Dancing to the Beat of a Different Drummer or The Symphony of the Brain.

Music has always been an important part of my life. I think we all can relate to the way a certain song can transport us to a time or place .

 I am instantly a teenager again when I hear Stevie Nicks sing "Landslide' or Hall and Oates doing "Rich Girl". In my experience, it has a deep and lasting visceral effect. I feel the music in my body. As I write this, just the mention of these songs brings clear images of my first apartment .

 I can see the red carpet and the blue couch covered with an Indian blanket. The fiber optic lamp on the top of a Oriental dresser we moved to the living room because we were sure it created a New York chic affect.

The sweetness and the bitter sweet all may be triggered by a song or melody. But what if my own brain was creating a symphony unique to me? Do we actually "make our own kind of music" ? Cutting edge research in neuroscience proves that we do.

Dr. Orli Peter of The Center for Accelerated Change  offers a program where "your song" is recorded and you may use this symphony created by your brain waves to aide in a better living experience.

Here is what Dr. Peter has to say about Brain Music.. " Brain Music Therapy is a scientifically supported treatment that transcribes your own unique brain waves and translates them into unique musical compositions. By listening to these compositions, you can efficiently move your brain into relaxed or alert states.

Brain Music is an effective treatment for stress, insomnia, anxiety, trauma, depression, and attentional problems. It has also been found to increase productivity and concentration, helping to enhance performance for athletes as well as business people and students. Brain Music Therapy may also accelerate the effects of other psychological treatments, by putting the brain into a more receptive state.

People sometimes ask, "Can't I just listen to any kind of music, including another person's brain music, and get the same results?" The answer is "No." Research has shown that listening to your own brain music is more effective and efficient. The reason is that every person's brain produces its own unique "music" and responds most readily to these familiar rhythms. This is analogous to the difference between responding to your mother's voice and a stranger's voice. Your brain music is uniquely yours and your brain recognizes it as such. "

My own personal belief that healing comes from with in is supported by this information. I am of the mind that pharmaceuticals while useful are only one path to take. Here we are being offered a "side effect" free method to enhance and develop a better day to day experience.

Dr. Peter has been the most valuable teacher in my life. My work with her has been the ultimate in compassionate care for my soul.

When I first met Dr. Peter I was at a place in my life where the effects of trauma held me a prisoner of post traumatic stress disorder. My coping methods had become the problem. I was reduced to a state of extremely limited function. OK, that is the technical description. My words, I was a hot mess!

My ability to cope with childhood sexual abuse had "hard wired" me for dysfunctional relationships with lovers, friends and life in general. My life was overwhelmed by coping to the point that I was no longer able to enjoy living. I longed for but had no hope of doing anything but making  it through the day.

I worked with her learning how to rewire myself  for several years. I still see her for tune ups today. The kind of care she provides has grown and expanded over the years to the point where recovery occurs much faster. My most recent work with her , because of trust based in positive experiences, was like a laser cutting away the unwanted trigger. I was able to quickly get to the problem area, expose it and heal it.

Her ability to honor my feelings taught me how to connect to and honor them myself. I am forever grateful for her deeply compassionate care and the spaciousness this allows me. I am able to see more clearly, react more intelligently , and love myself and others in a healthy well balanced way. Who I am today and my joy for life seemed out of reach all those years ago.

Every year near my Birthday I send her a Thank You note for my life. She always reminds me I did the work. I would not have known what the work was had we not met and embarked together on my healing journey.

My recovery has led me to many different teachings. I have been able to learn and apply the work of many masters in their field from the solid foundation built while in her care.

I have not done the Brain Music yet  but I'm sure "my song" will be a love song. I still have work to do, this is not a disclaimer, it is an intelligent assessment of the life process.

Thank You Orli for being an example of a courageous and innovative healer. Thank you for providing me with a touch stone when I most need one. Your grace, dignity, and integrity shine a light on a way of living that keeps me happy to be "traveling to the be beat of a different drummer".

Learn more about Dr. Orli Peter at .
Dr. Orli Peter, PhD, Director and Founder, Center for Accelerated Psychology. Offering cutting-edge psychotherapies with compassion: Brain Music Therapy, Neurofeedback, Heart Rate Variability Training, Mindfulness, and accelerated psychotherapies.